Dealers & Processors - LA Fisheries Forward

Louisiana Seafood Dealers & Processors

Louisiana is the number one producer of fish and shellfish in the contiguous U.S.; one out of every 70 jobs in the state is related to the seafood industry.  Seafood dealers—or any one who buys or handles seafood that will be sold, or resold—play a critical role in producing a fresh and superior product.

Seafood is highly perishable, so handling throughout the supply chain is heavily regulated to ensure consumer safety.  Wholesale/retail seafood dealers, and retail seafood dealers, must be familiar not only with LDWF regulations, but those of the LA Department of Health & Hospitals, LA Department of Agriculture, U.S. Food & Drug Administration (including HACCP plans), and the impacts of the Food Safety & Modernization Act.

The curriculum included here, put together by Louisiana Fisheries Forward, provides a detailed overview of rules that govern the handling, storage, processing and packaging of seafood products, licensing and permitting, regulatory inspection, and good manufacturing practices.

Be sure to check out the video, download our Fast Facts, and visit the resource links below for the full picture of how to be a successful dealer/processor.

Additional Videos

USDA Catfish Product Label Requirements
Calibrate Thermometers to Keep Product Safe
Safety of Water
Clean Contact Surfaces
Prevent Cross-Contamination
Employee Health & Sanitation
Adulterant Protection/Toxic Compound Handling
Exclusion of Pests
Alternative Marketing: Louisiana Direct Seafood
vacuum packed black drum
cleaning crabs

Processors of fish and fishery products must develop and implement a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system—a plan that identifies and addresses potential food safety hazards in their operations.  In addition, processors should have and implement a written sanitation standard operating procedure (SSOP). These programs are monitored by LDH on behalf of the Food & Drug Administration.

Latest Processing News

vendor booths set up at Pontchartrain Center at Summit 2020

Register NOW for Summit, Early Bird Prize Drawing

October 31, 2022

The Louisiana seafood industry is working to Recover + Rebuild + Reinvent post COVID and hurricanes. You’re getting back to business, and it’s the perfect time to catch up on what’s new at the Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit on March 1, 2023, at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner. REGISTER NOW for an Early Bird Drawing — We are giving…

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Crab fisherman

LDWF Announces Commercial Fishing License Sale Locations and Dates

March 31, 2022

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries’ new Commercial License fee structure went into effect on November 15, 2021.  Commercial fishermen are reminded that most of their licenses can be renewed online by going to and clicking on the “Buy A License” link at the top of the webpage.  However, some licenses…

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