Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit Recap - LA Fisheries Forward

Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit 2023

Thank you to all who joined us at the Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit 2023.  The event was a great success! Our agenda is attached below.

Produced by Louisiana Sea Grant, LSU AgCenter and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries – with their industry partners – it is part of the Louisiana Fisheries Forward (LFF) education initiative and featured hands-on demonstrations and an open trade show that helped participants connect with the changing world of seafood. The 2023 Summit had 62 vendors, 4 Chef Demonstrations, 9 Research Posters and over $4,700 in donated door prizes that were awarded to the over 330 participants.

Summit is currently held every two years; more information will be forthcoming about a future event.


Summit Presentations

LDWF Management Updates

Poster Session
