Commercial Shrimp Bycatch Study Sign-Up Extended - LA Fisheries Forward


deckhand unloading shrimp from skimmer net on boat deck

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has extended the sign-up date indefinitely for its commercial shrimp bycatch study. To ensure the study’s success, participation from a wide range of commercial shrimpers from each major basin and who utilize all major types of gear are needed.

The study was requested by the shrimp industry to assist in its pursuit of a sustainability certification. The study characterizes bycatch data during commercial shrimping trips throughout state waters. Bycatch data is one of the major components necessary to fulfill the requirements of a sustainability certification.

LDWF has partnered with LGL Limited to conduct the study. Through this partnership, LGL Limited staff will ride along with commercial shrimp vessels for observation. Commercial fishermen will retain all shrimp and other commercial harvest sampled onboard their vessel. The remainder of the catch will either be processed onboard or held for later processing, depending on conditions.

The department will provide LGL Limited staff with the names and contact information of participating fishermen to schedule a trip during the assigned time period. Trips have been predetermined based on historical effort by basin, gear and season.

Participating fishermen randomly drawn for each 48-hour trip will receive $350 per day or $700 per completed trip.

To register, click here.

If you have questions about the program, or want more information, contact Peyton Cagle (337) 491-2575 or  [email protected].

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