
Recreational Red Snapper Season to Close December 31 at 11:59 p.m.

red snapper

In state and federal waters off Louisiana Coast Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Secretary Rob Shadoin signed a declaration of emergency to close the recreational red snapper season in state and federal waters off Louisiana at 11:59 p,m. on December 31. LA Creel indicates that 845,951 pounds, or 91…

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Commercial Large Coastal Sharks Possession Limit Will Increase to 55 Sharks When Season Opens Jan 1

blacktip shark

Officials with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries announced the daily possession limit for commercially harvested large coastal sharks (great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, smooth hammerhead, nurse shark, blacktip shark, bull shark, lemon shark, sandbar shark, silky shark, spinner shark, and tiger shark) is increasing from 45 to 55 per…

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LWF Commission Adopted a Notice of Intent to Require a Free Bowfishing Permit for Private and Charter Anglers


The Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a Notice of Intent to promulgate rules and regulations regarding the issuance of a recreational saltwater bowfishing permit for both the private and charter sectors of the recreational fishery. The permit will be free of charge from LDWF or an LDWF authorized method, by…

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Louisiana Private Recreational Red Snapper Season to Open Friday, May 26, 2023

red snapper

The 2023 private recreational Red Snapper season will begin on Friday, May 26, 2023, in both state and federal waters. The season will run 7 days a week with a daily bag limit of three fish per person and a 16-inch total minimum length limit. The season will remain open until recreational landings…

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NOI to Remove Buoy Requirements from Freshwater Gill and Trammel Nets

hands of fisherman sorting freshwater fish such as shad and catfish in boat

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a Notice of Intent (NOI) today to remove the requirement of using international orange buoys to mark gill and trammel nets in fresh water.  The buoy requirement language was carried over to freshwater gear from the saltwater marking rule, and is being removed…

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Notice of Intent to Require Reporting of Commercial Menhaden Harvest

menahden boats

At the September 1, 2022 meeting, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) passed a notice of intent to create regulations requiring monthly reporting from the commercial menhaden reduction fishery. The proposed rule is mandated by Act 759 of the 2022 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature. Act 759 requires the LWFC to…

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Swordfish and Roundscale Spearfish Regulations Modified for Consistency with Feds

charter boat deckhand gets fish on line for customer

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission passed a notice of intent at their meeting today to modify swordfish regulations.  The proposed rule would adjust swordfish possession limits to be 1 per angler or 4 per vessel on recreational trips, 1 per angler or 6 per vessel on charter vessels, and 1…

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