NOI to Remove Buoy Requirements from Freshwater Gill and Trammel Nets - LA Fisheries Forward


hands of fisherman sorting freshwater fish such as shad and catfish in boat

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a Notice of Intent (NOI) today to remove the requirement of using international orange buoys to mark gill and trammel nets in fresh water.  The buoy requirement language was carried over to freshwater gear from the saltwater marking rule, and is being removed due to industry concerns of theft of fish and gear. The option to use a buoy as a tag on gill and trammel nets will remain, and it is clarified that a properly marked buoy may act as a tag on other passive gear types.

This rule does not impact shad or saltwater gill and trammel net marking rules.

To view the full notice of intent, or to submit written comments relative to the proposed rule, contact Robby Maxwell, Inland Fisheries Technical Advisor DCL-B, Inland Fisheries Section, 1025 Tom Watson Rd., Lake Charles, LA 70615, or via email to: [email protected] prior to March 1, 2023.  Following the public comment period, the Legislative Oversight Committees will have a 30-day period to review the amended rule and a summary of public comment provided by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.  If this rule is finalized, the amended regulations will be effective in mid-2023.