Delinquent Oyster Lease List Available Online - LA Fisheries Forward


photo of three oyster boats in Gulf waters

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is required to make public notice regarding the nonpayment of fees related to oyster leases on both its website and in the official journal of the parish in which the delinquent lease is located.

As per Louisiana Revised Statute 56:429, any lessee who pays their rent on or after the first day of February owes the rent due plus an additional 10 percent penalty. Failure of the lessee to pay the rent punctually on or before the first of each January, or within 60 days thereafter, terminates and cancels the lease and forfeits to the department all the works, improvements, betterments and oysters on the previously leased water bottom.

The list of delinquent leases is available at   Notices were made by certified mail to each lessee who had not yet paid their rent. The current list shows those lessees who did not provide payment by February 1, 2021.  All fees must be collected for leases by close of business on March 1, 2021.

For questions regarding delinquent oyster lease payments, please contact Marc Maniscalco at (504) 284-5277.

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