Derelict Crab Trap Cleanup Events are Upon Us – Volunteers Needed


Boat full of recovered abandoned traps.

Time is running out to sign up to participate in the 2020 Derelict Crab Trap Rodeo events.  Two events are scheduled for this year: one in the Baratrairia Basin on February 8 and one in the Calcasieu Basin on February 15 (more details below).

These rodeo events allow for LDWF and members from the public to work hand in hand in removing derelict crab traps that can result in navigational hazards.  Additionally, these traps increase ghost-fishing mortality of blue crabs and other species captured incidentally, interfere with other commercial fishing gear types, and degrade the aesthetics of our natural environment.

Commercial fishermen gear fees fund this program, and since its inception, has disposed of more than 41,000 derelict crab traps. Last year, LDWF, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, volunteers, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP), Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) of Louisiana, and members of the recreational and commercial fishing community assisted in retrieving more than 4,000 abandoned crab traps. Typically, the highest daily number of derelict crab traps are removed from a basin during these volunteer rodeo events.


LDWF encourages volunteers to participate in these events to make this crab trap rodeo successful and keep our Sportsman’s Paradise pristine. Volunteers will help collect traps in the field, unload traps at the dock, and count traps as they are unloaded. Commercial fishermen are highly encouraged to participate, as their experience with the local waters and ability to stack traps on their vessels is valuable.

Removing abandoned crab traps is a wet and dirty job, so please wear appropriate clothing and water-resistant gear. Volunteers should bring their own personal floatation device, which should be worn at all times while on the water. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers as a small token of appreciation for their help to keep our waterways free and clean of derelict crab traps.  Please be sure to register in advance at the LSU Qualtrics links provided below to help us properly prepare for each event.

  • Barataria Basin: A dedicated volunteer day will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2020, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Jean Lafitte Harbor located at 4932 Kenal Road, Lafitte, LA 70067. If directions are needed, you may contact the Jean Lafitte Harbor at 504-689-2013, or [email protected] .  To better coordinate volunteer activities, volunteers are encouraged to register in advance at the following website:

  • Calcasieu Basin: A dedicated volunteer day will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2020, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Cameron Parish public boat launch located on the western shore of the Calcasieu River Ship Channel, north of the Highway 82 Cameron Ferry. If directions are needed, you may contact Peyton Cagle at 337-491-2575, or [email protected] . To better coordinate volunteer activities, volunteers are encouraged to register in advance at the following website:

Crab traps may be removed only between one half-hour before sunrise to one half-hour after sunset. Only LDWF, or those designated by LDWF, will be authorized to remove derelict crab traps in the closure areas. Abandoned traps must be brought to LDWF designated disposal sites and may not be taken from the closed area.

For more information on the Derelict Crab Trap Removal Program, go to , or contact Peyton Cagle at 337-491-2575 or [email protected] .

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