The Artificial Reef Council will meet on September 28, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. in the Joe L. Herring Louisiana Room at LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA.
I. Introduction and Welcome
II. Approval of agenda
III. Approval of minutes
IV. Artificial Reef Program updates
a) Mike McDonough, LDWF
V. Artificial Reef Program budget
a) Mike McDonough, LDWF
VI. ARRAP Research – Reef fish movement and community structure at a newly deployed artificial reef
a) Jade Carver
VII.ARRAP Research – Assessing which, when, and why fishes use artificial reefs through passive acoustics and capture based methods
a) Allison Noble
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Other business
X. Adjourn
Please click this URL to attend the meeting virtually.