Basic Seafood HACCP Training - LA Fisheries Forward


January 28 - 30, 2020
workers at processing facility peeling crawfish

Basic Seafood HACCP Training

Training in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is mandated for seafood processors by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  This two and a half day basic HACCP training is designed to educate seafood processors, packers, wholesale dealers, harvesters & warehouses about seafood safety. Participants who complete the course receive a certificate issued by Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO), that fulfills the FDA requirements for seafood HACCP training.

This workshop is sponsored by LSU AgCenter, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences; in cooperation with the Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO) the FDA, and Southern University AgCenter.

It will be held January 28 – 30, 2020, on the LSU Campus at 212 Efferson Hall, corner of Highland Rd & E Parker Blvd in Baton Rouge.  Early bird price is $325 before January 10; $350 thereafter.

Register online at  Start and end times vary by day.

LSU is offering another, one-day course on Sanitation Control Procedures; get more information on that event here.

Registration questions contact:
Celika Murphy
[email protected]

Lead instructor:
Evelyn (Gutierrez) Watts
[email protected]
Phone: (225) 578-5207