Gulf Council Will Convene its Reef Fish Advisory Panel - LA Fisheries Forward


October 11, 2022
gray triggerfish

Gulf Council Will Convene its Reef Fish Advisory Panel

09:30 am - 06:30 pm @

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will host a one-day meeting of its Reef Fish Advisory Panel (AP). The meeting will convene on October 11, 2022, from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM, EST. The meeting will be held at the Council Office located at 4107 West Spruce Street, Suite 200, Tampa, Florida 33607.

The Reef Fish Advisory Panel will address the following:

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Expansion Proposal

The AP will hear a presentation on the Proposed Rule to expand the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and is expected to make recommendations that will inform the Council’s comment letter on the expansion.

Greater Amberjack Catch Limits, Sector Allocations, and other Rebuilding Plan Modifications

The AP will review the public hearing draft of Reef Fish Amendment 54 and provide recommendations to inform the Council’s decision.

Gag Grouper Stock Status Determination Criteria, Sector Allocation, Catch Limits, and Fishing Seasons

The AP will review an alternative run of the latest gag stock assessment using Florida’s State Reef Fish Survey to inform recreational landings and discards for private and state for-hire fishing fleets before reviewing and making recommendations to the Council on Reef Fish Amendment 56.

Gray Triggerfish Commercial Trip Limits

The AP will hear a presentation on management options and associated analyses for modifying commercial gray triggerfish trip limits. The AP can make recommendations to the Council as appropriate.

For-Hire Trip Declaration Modification

The AP will review and make recommendations on options that would exempt federal for-hire vessel operators from declaring when moving a for-hire vessel for non-fishing related tasks within a prescribed timeframe.

Electronic Reporting for Commercial Coastal Logbook Program

The AP will hear an update and provide guidance on a proposal for transitioning to an electronic reporting platform for the commercial coastal logbook program.

Greater Amberjack Management Measures

The AP will consider and advise the Council on potential management changes for greater amberjack to best balance stakeholder access while remaining below the new catch limits expected after Reef Fish Amendment 54 is implemented.

Yellowtail Snapper and Scamp Stock Assessments

The AP will review results of stock assessments for yellowtail snapper and scamp grouper and make recommendations on potential changes to catch limits and management measures.


Public comment will be held in-person and over the webinar before the meeting adjourns.

For an agenda and meeting materials, click here.

Register for the webinar here.