Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group Annual Meeting June 26 - LA Fisheries Forward


June 26, 2018
Grand Isle

Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group Annual Meeting June 26

05:30 pm - 09:30 pm @

The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group will hold its annual public meeting on June 26, 2018 at the Tulane River and Coastal Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. At the meeting, the Trustee Implementation Group will have an open house where the Louisiana Trustees and Deepwater Horizon oil spill restoration partners, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE) and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, will be available for discussions and questions regarding the implementation of restoration projects in Louisiana. After the open house, the Louisiana Trustees will present restoration planning and project implementation updates, followed by a public comment session. We encourage community members and stakeholders to attend, hear about the our restoration planning and projects, and connect with the Louisiana Trustees.


June 26, 2018


Tulane River and Coastal Center (next to Mardi Gras World)
1370 Port of new Orleans Place
New Orleans, LA 70130


Open House for discussion and questions                             5:30 – 6:00 PM
Public Meeting for presentation and public comment         6:00 – 9:00 PM

Free parking will be provided at Parking Lot J located on the corner of Henderson Street and Port of New Orleans Place. We look forward to seeing you there later this month. Stay tuned to the Gulf Spill Restoration and Louisiana-Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill websites for further updates.