Segment 2 Virtual Seafood HACCP Workshop - LA Fisheries Forward


January 29, 2021
cleaning crabs

Segment 2 Virtual Seafood HACCP Workshop

08:00 am - 05:00 pm @
Sponsored by LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Sea Grant, Virginia Tech and Virginia Sea Grant  Training in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is mandated for seafood processors, packers, wholesales, importers, harvesters and warehouses by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Seafood HACCP courses teach the principles of HACCP and empower processors to develop HACCP plans specific for each seafood product they handle or produce. Due to restrictions with COVID-19, the next Seafood HACCP offered by Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Nutrition and Food Sciences and Virginia Tech Seafood AREC will be a one-day virtual workshop on Jan. 29, 2021, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time). For the virtual option, attendees will have to complete two sections of training: Segment 1 (S1) and Segment 2 (S2). Segment One of seafood HACCP training may be taken online through the Cornell University website ( It includes a series of 12 modules, each of which can take about an hour to complete. Once registered, participant have up to six months to complete all modules. After completing S1, participants receive an email confirming S1 course completion and can register to complete the S2 virtual workshop. During the S2 virtual workshop, participants work in groups to complete a hazard analysis and create a HACCP plan for an assigned seafood product. The S2 virtual class is offered through Zoom and exercises are completed in the Microsoft Office 365 Word application. For the successful completion of S2, participants need to be familiar with Microsoft Word, and have internet access, a dedicated computer, webcam and hard copy of required books. Participants who complete both segments, S1 and S2, receive a certificate issued by the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) that fulfills the FDA requirements for seafood HACCP training and USDA requirements for HACCP training targeting Siluriformes. Participants interested in attending the January S2 virtual class must complete S1 by Jan. 19. After completing S1, participants will receive an email confirming course completion. This email will have to be forwarded to the lead instructor of the S2 virtual course, Evelyn Watts ([email protected]). Class size is limited, and spots are filled on a first come first serve basis. To ensure a spot, do not wait until the last minute to complete S1. CLASS COSTS:  For more information about HACCP in general, visit For more information about virtual class, contact Dr. Evelyn Watts, [email protected].