Spring Shrimp Season Open - LA Fisheries Forward


Map of 2015 Louisiana Spring Shrimp Season

The 2015 Louisiana inshore shrimp season opened statewide at 6:00 am Monday, May 18 as well as that portion of state outside waters extending 3 nautical miles seaward from the shoreline from the Atchafalaya River Ship Channel at Eugene Island as delineated by the Channel red buoy line westward to the to the western shore of Freshwater Bayou Canal at -92 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds west longitude.

The spring shrimp season was set based on information provided by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologists and on public comments.
LDWF provided projections of the dates when a minimum of 50 percent of the inshore brown shrimp population would reach sizes of 100 count per pound or larger.

In addition to the open waters of Breton and Chandeleur Sounds, all state outside waters are currently open to shrimping except for outside waters extending 3 nautical miles seaward from the shoreline from the Atchafalaya River Ship Channel at Eugene Island westward to the to the western shore of Freshwater Bayou Canal.

For a map detailing today’s actions please click here.

The Commission granted authority to the Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to delay these opening dates if biological and technical data indicate the need to do so, and; to close any portion of Louisiana’s inside waters to protect small juvenile white shrimp if biological and technical data indicate the need to do so, or if enforcement problems develop.  The Secretary is further granted the authority to open any area, or re-open any previously closed area, and to open and close special shrimp seasons in any portion of state waters.

LDWF reminds fishermen that federal Turtle Excluder Device (TED) regulations require skimmer net fishermen to limit tow times.  Maximum tow times are 55 minutes from April 1 – October 31 and increase to 75 minutes from November 1 – March 31.