Gulf Council Convenes a Virtual Reef Fish Advisory Panel Meeting - LA Fisheries Forward


October 6, 2020
Fresh vermilion snapper on ice

Gulf Council Convenes a Virtual Reef Fish Advisory Panel Meeting

08:00 am - 04:30 pm @
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will host a meeting of its Reef Fish Advisory Panel (AP) via webinar. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, EDT. The panel will address the following:
Red Grouper: The AP will review a draft of Reef Fish Amendment 53, which considers red grouper allocations and annual catch levels and targets. The AP will also review an analysis of recreational red grouper bag limit options.
Vermilion Snapper: The AP will be presented with the results of the SEDAR 67: Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper stock assessment. It will hear recommendations from the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and review the input received from fishermen on vermilion snapper through the Council’s Something’s Fishy tool. Finally, the AP will review draft management alternatives for vermilion snapper.
Yellowtail Snapper: The AP will hear the results of the SEDAR 64: Southeastern US Yellowtail Snapper stock assessment. It will hear recommendations from the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and review the input received from fishermen on yellowtail snapper through the Council’s Something’s Fishy tool.
Gray Triggerfish: The AP will receive a summary of an interim analysis of gray triggerfish in the Gulf of Mexico. It will review recommendations from the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and input received from fishermen through the Council’s Something’s Fishy tool.
Lane Snapper: The AP will review a draft Framework Action: Modification of Gulf of Mexico Lane Snapper Annual Catch Limit, which is based on an updated catch-per-unit-effort analysis of the lane snapper stock in the Gulf of Mexico, which was previously reviewed by the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee.
Commercial IFQ Programs: The AP will review a draft of Reef Fish Amendment 36B: Modifications to Commercial IFQ Programs.
Gag Grouper: The AP will hear a presentation on gag grouper sex change and spatial management in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Public comment will be held over the webinar before the meeting adjourns.
Register for the webinar here.
For an agenda and meeting materials, click 