The Oyster Task Force Marketing Committee, Oyster Task Force Public and Private Oyster Grounds Committee, and Oyster Task Force will meet September 10, 2019, at the Terrebonne Council Meeting Room, 8026 Main Street, Houma, at 9:30am, 10am, and 1pm, respectively.
Oyster Task Force Public and Private Oyster Grounds Committee Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Introductions
IV. To Discuss a State Based Assistance Program for LA Oystermen Due to the Current Flooding Crisis and Loss of Oyster Resources- OTF
V. To Discuss a Legislative Proposal Regarding Oyster Lease Marking Pole Regulations- OTF
VI. Public Comment
VII. Set next meeting
VIII. Adjourn
Oyster Task Force Agenda
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll call and introduction of guests
III. Approval of July 30, 2019 Minutes and September 10, 2019 Agenda
IV. Treasury Report
A. LOTF Financial Report & Oyster Tag Sales
V. Committee Reports
A. Public and Private Oyster Grounds Committee (Mitch Jurisich)
B. Enforcement (Major Edward Skena)
C. Legislative (Jakov Jurisic)
D. Research (Earl Melancon)
E. Coastal Restoration (Dan Coulon)
F. Marketing (LDWF)
G. Health (Justin Gremillion)
H. Aquaculture
I. Joint Task Force Working Group (Mitch Jurisich)
VI. New Business
A. To Hear an Update on Oyster Mortality Surveys Related to the 2019 Flood Event- LDWF
B. To Hear an Update on the Sediment Diversion Program- CPRA
C. To Discuss the 2019 ISSC Proposals- OTF
D. To Hear a Presentation on a Suggested Public Relations Campaign for the Oyster Task Force- Dr. John Zach Lea
E. To Discuss the 2020 LA Alive Event- OTF
F. To Discuss and Consider Funding for a Washington, D.C. Seafood Reception- OTF
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Set Next Meeting
IX. Adjourn
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at . To receive email alerts, signup at press inquiries please contact Rene LeBreton, 504-286-8745 or
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The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is committed to accommodating all reasonable special requests regarding access to our meetings. Please direct all sign language interpreting services or other accommodation needs to
[email protected] at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date.