Gulf Council Recommends Modifying Red Snapper Catch Limits - LA Fisheries Forward


school of red snapper swimming in blue water
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council took final action on a framework action to modify red snapper catch limits. The Council chose to decrease the overfishing limit and increase the acceptable biological catch, annual catch limits, and annual catch targets. The state specific private angling annual catch limits are calculated based on the assumption that the Framework Action to calibrate recreational data and recreational catch limits is approved and implemented by the Secretary of Commerce. The catch limits are expressed in pounds whole weight as follows:

These recommendations are based on recommendations from the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and new catch advice generated using updated estimates of absolute abundance of red snapper derived from the Great Red Snapper Count (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas) and by LGL Ecological Associates, Inc. (Louisiana).

This Framework Amendment to modify catch limits for red snapper will be transmitted to the Secretary of Commerce for approval and implementation as soon as practicable.