Louisiana Fisheries Forward (LFF), in conjunction with the Louisiana Charter Boat Association (LCBA), will host a series of educational meetings for inshore recreational for-hire captains. Discussion topics include the importance of the LaCreel Recreational Survey; current charter captain license requirements, including insurance; opportunities for reaching new customers; and a Q & A with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Louisiana Sea Grant staff.
Meeting dates and times are as follows:
September 12, 2017, 6 – 8 PM
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum, 133 Mabel Dr., Madisonville
September 13, 2017, 6 – 8 PM
St. Bernard Parish Government Bldg. (council chambers), 8201 W Judge Perez Drive, Chalmette
September 14, 2017, 6 – 8 PM
Terrebonne Parish Library (upstairs room), 151 Library Dr., Houma
September 18, 2017, 6 – 8 PM
LSU AgCenter Calcasieu Office, 7101 Gulf Hwy., Lake Charles
Interested inshore charter captains should contact Thomas Hymel, Louisiana Sea Grant, at (337) 296-6133 or [email protected], for more information.
A collaboration of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and Louisiana Sea Grant College Program at LSU (Sea Grant), LFF was established with the goal of improving the economic success and environmental sustainability of Louisiana’s commercial fishing industry.