LWFC Approves Oyster Lease Renewals By Mail Beginning November 5


photo of three oyster boats in Gulf waters

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission voted today to allow oyster lessees to renew lease agreements by mail for the 2021-2022 lease renewal period.  As has occurred in past years, lessees may also renew lease agreements in person at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) office in New Orleans.

To renew an oyster lease by mail, the lessee will be required to return the following documents:

  1. A notarized application
  2. A copy of your state-issued ID
  3. Check or Money Order made out to the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries


If you would like to renew your lease by mail, please contact the Oyster Lease Program at 504-284-5279 or Marc Maniscalco at 504-284-5277

Documents can be mailed to the address listed below:

Attn:  Oyster Lease Program
2045 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 422
New Orleans, LA 70122

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. LDWF receives no state general funding and depends on license sales as a major funding source.  Help us protect your hunting and fishing heritage while preserving habitat, wildlife, and aquatic resources by purchasing your license at www.wlf.la.gov. To receive email or text alerts signup here.