Brown Shrimp Season to Reopen in a Portion of Mississippi Sound - LA Fisheries Forward


Map of 2015 Brown Shrimp Season

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries announced today that based on information provided by LDWF biologists, the brown shrimp season will reopen in portions of Mississippi Sound on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 6 p.m. The following areas will reopen:

•  That portion of Mississippi Sound beginning at a point on the Louisiana-Mississippi Lateral Boundary at 30 degrees 09 minutes 39.6 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 30 minutes 00.0 seconds west longitude; thence due south to a point at 30 degrees 05 minutes 00.0 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 30 minutes 00.0 seconds west longitude; thence southeasterly to a point on the western shore of Three-Mile Pass at 30 degrees 03 minutes 00.0 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 22 minutes 23.0 seconds west longitude; thence northeasterly to a point on Isle Au Pitre at 30 degrees 09 minutes 20.5 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 11 minutes 15.5 seconds west longitude, which is a point on the double–rig line as described in R.S. 56:495.1(A)2; thence northerly along the double–rig line to a point on the Louisiana-Mississippi Lateral Boundary at 30 degrees 12 minutes 37.9056 seconds north latitude and 89 degrees 10 minutes 57.9725 seconds west longitude; thence westerly along the Louisiana-Mississippi Lateral Boundary to the point of beginning.

In addition to the open waters of Breton and Chandeleur Sounds, all state outside waters are currently open to shrimping.  State inshore waters are currently closed to shrimping.

For a map detailing the areas currently open to shrimping visit

The Commission granted authority to LDWF Secretary Robert Barham at the May LDWF Commission meeting to open any area, or re-open any previously closed area, and to open and close special shrimp seasons in any portion of state waters.  This newly reopened portion of inshore state waters will remain open until further notice.   The 2015 fall white shrimp season has not been set.