Gulf Council Law Enforcement Technical Committee Meeting - LA Fisheries Forward


March 9, 2021
LDWF staff holding a cobra on boat

Gulf Council Law Enforcement Technical Committee Meeting

09:00 am - 02:00 pm @
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will host a virtual meeting of its Law Enforcement Technical Committee (LETC) in conjunction with the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Law Enforcement Committee (LEC). The meeting will convene from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, EST, on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. The LETC will begin with a closed session to discuss handling of recreational red snapper cases and to review nominations for the 2020 Law Enforcement Officer or Team of the Year Award. This portion of the meeting will be held from 10:00 – 11:30 AM, EST., and will not be open to the public.
The meeting will open to the public at 11:30 AM, EST., and the Committees will address the following:
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council LETC Items:
·     The Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting Program
·     Cobia Management (Amendment 32)
·     Lane Snapper Management and Accountability Measures
·     Illegal Charters
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission LEC Items:
·      Fisheries Program Activity
·     Red Drum Profile Status
·     Commission Publications
·     Agency Report Highlights
Agenda and meeting materials can be found here.
Register for the webinar here.