LFF Outreach Event for Shrimp Industry - LA Fisheries Forward


March 25, 2017
shrimp boat Grand Isle Louisiana

LFF Outreach Event for Shrimp Industry

11:00 am - 12:00 pm @ ,

Prior to the Louisiana Shrimp Association annual meeting*, LFF will provide educational presentations by Louisiana Sea Grant, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries (LDWF), and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) with demonstrations.

Jeff Marx, LDWF shrimp program manager, will review changes to the inside/outside shrimp line. Thomas Hymel, Sea Grant/LA Fisheries Forward, will present a short talk on quality handling and value-added seafood products with the mobile quality training lab. Paul Barnard with USCG will give an update on the vessel safety program and safety equipment requirements.

Other participants include NOAA Fisheries TEDs gear specialists Dale Stevens and Cahn Nguyen, Audubon G.U.L.F. with information on tow times and other programs, and the Partnerships for a PFD Social Marketing Campaign.

Join us on March 25, 2017, 11 am – noon, at the American Legion Hall, 602 Legion Dr., Houma, LA 70364.

For more information on the LFF event, contact Julie Falgout, 985-856-2477, [email protected]

For more details on the LA Shrimp Assoc meeting, visit http://LouisianaShrimp.org

*This outreach is open to all shrimpers; however only LA Shrimp Association members may attend the annual meeting.