Oyster Task Force Committee Meetings


November 24, 2020
oyster boat in Gulf

Oyster Task Force Committee Meetings

01:00 pm - 03:00 pm @

Oyster Task Force Marketing Committee will meet Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 1:00 p.m., at Belle Chasse Auditorium, 8398 LA-23, Belle Chasse, LA 70037.

I.        Call to Order

II.        Pledge of Allegiance

III.        Introductions

IV.        To Consider a Proposal from Beuerman Miller Fitzgerald -OTF

V.        Public Comment

VI.        Set Next Meeting

VII.        Adjourn


The meeting will be held in compliance with Louisiana’s Open Meetings Law as defined by Louisiana R.S. 42:11, et seq.  The public is invited to attend. To listen in to the meeting via webinar register at: https://wlf-la.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X9oxqKqoTl6Ic94oR016EQ


The Oyster Task Force Legal Committee will meet Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 2:00 p.m, at Belle Chasse Auditorium, 8398 LA-23, Belle Chasse, LA 70037.

I.        Call to Order

II.        Pledge of Allegiance

III.        Introductions

IV.        To Hear an Update on the Approval of Funding and Hiring Legal Counsel to Represent the Oyster Task Force- OTF/LDW

V.        Public Comment

VI.        Set Next Meeting

VII.        Adjourn


The meeting will be held in compliance with Louisiana’s Open Meetings Law as defined by Louisiana R.S. 42:11, et seq.  The public is invited to attend. To listen in to the meeting via webinar register at: https://wlf-la.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X9oxqKqoTl6Ic94oR016EQ

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at www.wlf.louisiana.gov, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ldwffb, or follow us on Twitter @LDWF.

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