Fishing Industry Coastal Change Survey - LA Fisheries Forward


Louisiana commercial fishing

Louisiana Seafood Future (LSF) is a collaborative effort of LDWF, Louisiana Sea Grant, CPRA, and the Governor’s Office geared toward assisting the seafood industry in adapting to coastal change.  Those who make their living on the coast know best how to adapt to change and we are asking for you to help inform us about your adaptation strategies so that we can find ways to help with those adaptations.

LSF is asking members of the seafood industry to come together and discuss how to keep their businesses competitive and sustainable. In rounds of meetings throughout the coast, industry members will share ideas about how to adapt to coastal change and what they need to make those adaptations work.

We want to highlight adaptation strategies created by those most affected by coastal changes – the shrimpers, crabbers, oyster fishers, finfishers, dockworkers, and processors – who are at the heart of our coastal seafood economy and culture.

Here’s your chance to be heard!  GO TO:

FILL OUT BY MAY 19 to guarantee your ideas are included in the LSF industry findings report.