LWF Commission to Amend the Inside/Outside Shrimp Line - LA Fisheries Forward


fishing boat at sea

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission has approved a Notice of Intent to adjust the inside/outside shrimp line of demarcation. This line is used to separate the “inside” waters of the state from the “outside” waters, which are regulated separately. Generally, “outside” waters are those beyond the beach line.

Currently, the line dividing the two types of waters is defined in statute. This action by the Commission, when finalized, will update that line and would also allow adjustments to the line through administrative rulemaking, rather than by changes to statute.

Changes to the current boundary line were necessary due to land loss and erosion caused by storm surge, tidal movements and other natural causes. Approximately, 61,000 acres will be added to the states outside waters. Proposed changes to the boundary line were made using 2015 satellite imagery.

Information related to the proposed changes, including interactive maps, is available here.

Public comments pertaining to the proposed rule may be submitted from March 2, 2018, through April 26, 2018. Following final approval of the rule, the updated boundary line would be made effective September 1, 2018.

Interested persons may submit comments relative to the proposed rule to Peyton Cagle, Marine Fisheries Biologist DCL-B, Marine Fisheries Section, 1213 N. Lakeshore Dr., Lake Charles, LA 70601, or via e-mail to [email protected]prior to April 26, 2018.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at www.wlf.la.gov. To receive email alerts, signup at http://www.wlf.la.gov/signup.