Recreational Closure of Gray Triggerfish and Red Grouper in Federal Waters - LA Fisheries Forward


red grouper swimming along sea bottom
  • Recreational harvest of gray triggerfish and red grouper in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) will close at 12:01 am, local time, on September 15, 2021.
  • Recreational harvest of gray triggerfish will reopen March 1, 2022, following the 2022 January and February seasonal closure.
  • Recreational harvest of red grouper will reopen on January 1, 2022.
Why These Closures are Happening:
  • The 2021 gray triggerfish recreational annual catch target is 274,323 pounds whole weight. Projections indicate that recreational landings of gray triggerfish have met the annual catch target.
  • In accordance with the regulations, NOAA Fisheries must close recreational gray triggerfish harvest when the annual catch target has been or is projected to be met.
  • Landings information received from the Southeast Fisheries Science Center indicates that the 2021 red grouper recreational annual catch limit of 1,000,000 pounds gutted weight was met as of June 30, 2021.
  • In accordance with the regulations, NOAA Fisheries must close recreational red grouper harvest when the annual catch limit has been or is projected to be met.
  • These closures are needed to prevent overfishing of gray triggerfish and red grouper (annual catch rates are too high).
During the Closures:
  • During the recreational closures, the bag and possession limit are zero for gray triggerfish and red grouper in or from federal waters of the Gulf.
  • The prohibition on possession of Gulf gray triggerfish and red grouper also applies in Gulf state waters for a vessel issued a valid federal charter vessel/headboat permit for Gulf reef fish.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is NOAA Fisheries announcing today about the Gulf of Mexico recreational red grouper season?
  • NOAA Fisheries is announcing the closure of the Gulf of Mexico recreational red grouper season.
  • The closure becomes effective September 15, 2021.
  • This is the first time we have closed the recreational red grouper sector in-season since 2015.
  • The season will reopen January 1, 2022.


Why is the Gulf of Mexico recreational red grouper season closing?
  • Red grouper recreational catches in early 2021 were substantially higher than catches during the same time periods in recent years.
  • Preliminary landings data we received in early September indicate recreational landings had exceeded the recreational quota by nearly 60,000 pounds as of July 1.
  • The recreational annual catch limit was set by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.


How is the Gulf of Mexico commercial red grouper sector managed?
  • The commercial harvest of red grouper is managed under an Individual Fishing Quota system and will remain open.
What is NOAA Fisheries announcing today about the Gulf of Mexico recreational gray trigger fish season?
  • NOAA Fisheries is announcing the closure of the Gulf of Mexico recreational gray triggerfish season.
  • The closure becomes effective September 15, 2021.
Why is the Gulf of Mexico recreational gray triggerfish season closing?
  • NOAA Fisheries estimated the gray triggerfish recreational annual catch target set by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council was met.
How is the Gulf of Mexico commercial gray triggerfish sector managed?
  • The commercial harvest of gray triggerfish is managed through trip and size limits, with an annual closure in June and July.