Final Webinar for Shrimpers to receive Skimmer TED Reimbursement (STEDRP) Funds


June 2, 2021
part of shrimp net and boat with bayou in background

Final Webinar for Shrimpers to receive Skimmer TED Reimbursement (STEDRP) Funds

09:30 am - 11:00 am @

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) announces one final required webinar for shrimpers who would like to receive Turtle Excluder Device reimbursement funds.

On August 1, 2021, skimmer vessels 40 feet in length and over will be required by federal law to install turtle excluder devices (TEDs). The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will operate the Skimmer Turtle Excluder Device Reimbursement Program (STEDRP), which will reimburse up to 60 percent of the cost for two skimmer TEDs. The Louisiana cost-share program’s goal is to provide financial relief to fishermen who need to purchase skimmer TEDs as a result of the recently amended federal regulations and to ensure that fishermen are compliant prior to the effective date.

Eligible participants include those fishermen who have current residential skimmer gear licenses, vessels that are 40 feet in length or greater and have reported landings between 2018-2020.

Participants are required to attend an online informational meeting, facilitated by LDWF and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Gear Monitoring Team. The meeting topics will include specifications for the skimmer TEDs, a review of the sea turtle regulations, and details on the skimmer TED reimbursement program. Fishermen will be registered and tracked for reimbursements through an online system used by LDWF in administering similar programs.

The final meeting has been scheduled for June 2 at 9:30 a.m. To register for an online meeting, you will need your vessel license and gear license. Register for a meeting here:

If you need assistance with registration or don’t have Internet access, please contact Julia Lightner at (504) 286-4041 or [email protected].

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