LA Artificial Reef Council Meeting - LA Fisheries Forward


June 4, 2018
shorebirds and pelican in shallow water at Grand Isle

LA Artificial Reef Council Meeting

01:00 pm - 03:00 pm @

The Artificial Reef Council will meet at 1:00 pm on Monday, June 4, in the 4th floor conference of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries headquarters building, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge.


1)      Introduction and Welcome

2)      Approval of agenda

3)      Approval of minutes

4)      Reef Program updates

A. Nearshore & Offshore: Mike McDonough

B. Inshore: Ashley Ferguson

C. Monitoring & NRDA Recreational Use: Craig Gothreaux

5)      Presentation on the Artificial Reef Fund budget for FY 18-19*

6)      Public Comments

7)      Other business

8)      Adjourn

*Action item for Council

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