Lafitte Fisheries Meeting & TED Checks - LA Fisheries Forward


April 8, 2019
silhouette of trawl arm and net on shrimp boat in water

Lafitte Fisheries Meeting & TED Checks

10:00 am - 03:00 pm @

La Sea Grant will host a ‘dock day’ fisheries meeting and lunch, followed by NOAA presentation and TED checks for those who wish*.  The day will end with a presentation and survey by Louisiana’s Seafood Future.  To be held April 8, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, at Leo E. Kerner, Jr. City Park Multipurpose Complex, 4917 City Park Drive, Lafitte.

For more information, contact:

Rusty Gaudé, 504-908-9713, [email protected]


*TED checks are voluntary; can also be scheduled with NOAA Gear Team at later date.  Contact Canh Nguyen, gear specialist,  at 228-355-8372 or [email protected].