Seafood HACCP Training Adapted Due to COVID-19 - LA Fisheries Forward


raw, headless shrimp moving through processing plant

Training in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is mandated for seafood processors, packers, wholesalers, importers, harvesters and warehouses by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Basic HACCP courses teach the principles of HACCP and empower processors to develop HACCP plans specific for each seafood product they handle or produce.

Due to restrictions with COVID-19, the next two-and-a-half day, in-person class offered by Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Nutrition and Food Sciences will be in January 2021. However, if industry professionals need HACCP certification in the meantime, there is another option available.

Segment One of HACCP training may be taken online through the Cornell University website( It includes a series of 12 modules, each of which take about an hour to complete. Once registered, processors have up to six months to complete all modules followed by the Segment Two workshop.

Historically, Segment Two of the training was required to be given in person; though a virtual protocol to fulfill this segment is offered.

LSU staff will re-assess COVID restrictions at the beginning of December 2020, and decide at that time whether HACCP classes can move forward on campus. If classes must continue virtually, processors will have the time to complete Segment One online and then Segment Two within the six-month timeframe. The charge for Segment One is $75; Segment Two is $125.

Participants who complete both segments receive a certificate issued by the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) that fulfills the FDA requirements for seafood HACCP training and USDA requirements for HACCP training targeting Siluriformes.

For more information about HACCP in general, visit

For more information about virtual classes, contact Dr. Evelyn Watts, [email protected].