Gulf Council Seeks Applicants for its Scientific and Statistical Committees – Deadline Extended - LA Fisheries Forward


raw Louisiana shrimp
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is seeking applicants for its Standing and Special Scientific and Statistical Committees (SSC). Current members must reapply to be considered for future membership.
The Council has one standing and eight special Scientific and Statistical Committees comprised of individuals who have expertise in stock assessment or quantitative statistics, fishery biology, marine ecology, economics, sociology, anthropology, or other special sciences as they apply to fisheries management. Members provide independent scientific advice to the Council. More information on SSC membership and guidelines can be found here:
SSC members are appointed by the Council and serve a 3-year term. Members are reimbursed for approved travel expenses and receive a daily stipend for their work.
The Council is recruiting for the following SSCs:
  • Standing
  • Special Coral
  • Special Mackerel
  • Special Red Drum
  • Special Reef Fish
  • Special Shrimp
  • Special Spiny Lobster
  • Special Socioeconomic
  • Special Ecosystem
The Standing SSC will consist of 18 members. Each Special SSC will consist of 3 members. When the Special SSC meets with the Standing SSC the combined SSC votes as a whole committee.
Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, EDT on May 14, 2021
To apply to one of the Council SSCs, visit:
In addition to completing the online application, email your CV and Statement of Financial Interest (SOFI) to:
If you have any questions, please contact the Council office at 813-348-1630.